Feature article written by Casey Waldsmith.
We are excited to introduce Xinwei Liu as a 2023-2024 Ph.D. Student Liaison! Xinwei is pursuing her Ph.D. in Marketing at Mississippi State University (MSU) and is interested in package and product designs, as well as consumer perceptions and purchasing behaviors. Her love of marketing began in her undergraduate years due to her deep fascination with understanding the behavioral patterns of consumers. As an undergraduate, Xinwei began her research journey by facilitating a study comparing toy preferences of parents in China and the United States. She said, “The intriguing findings revealed that contrary to stereotypes often associated with East Asian cultures, both Chinese and American parents displayed a lack of gender stereotypes when selecting toys for their children.” She said that for her, this revelation was eye-opening and underscored the notion that consumer beliefs and preferences are dynamic and can evolve over time.

Xinwei (Sylvia) Liu
Professional Title: Doctoral Student
PhD Granting Institution: Mississippi State University
RAPSIG Title: PhD Student Liaison
Email: xl304@msstate.edu
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xinwei-sylvia-liu-420943256/
When she’s not pursuing her research projects, Xinwei enjoys spending time with her cat and dog, swimming, listening to music, and reading detective novels. To celebrate a job well done, she loves to travel with family and take strolls in the woods.
For those who are currently pursuing their Ph.D., Xinwei recommends: “Cultivating self-confidence and having faith in what you can accomplish”. She also emphasizes “time management skills and communicating with the people around you for advice and support. ”