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The Financial Times is planning to update its analysis of business schools’ research, with a particular focus on assessing the broader impact on society. 

Editors Anne Roggeveen & Raj Sethuraman are requesting academic community members to recommend the Journal of Retailing for inclusion in the FT50 list by completing this short survey from the Financial Times.  (

Certainly, the inclusion of the Journal of Retailing in the FT50 will help retailing and pricing scholarship.

But if you need more reasons, below are a Few Highlights about the Journal of Retailing from Anne Roggeveen & Raj Sethuraman

  1. Journal of Retailing, launched in 1925, is one of the oldest academic journal in marketing and continues to be a leading research journal in retailing.
  2. Within the realm of retailing, JR’s publication philosophy is diverse, inclusive, method-agnostic, and multi-disciplinary. It publishes on a wide range of topics drawing on behavioral, empirical, and analytical works.
  3. JR’s impact factor, based on journal citations, has increased by over 55% between 2016 and 2019. JR is also classified as A* journal by the Australian Council of Business Deans.
  4. Its current 5-year impact factor stands high at 7.373 with over 2 Million+ JR articles downloaded in the past 5 years. Details of these metrics can be found at this link.
  5. JR Manuscript submissions have risen steadily from 352 in 2016 to 409 in 2019 and are expected to reach at least 500 in 2020.
  6. Submissions are from 47 countries showing the journal’s global reach.
  7. Editors’ turnaround time is 50 days in 2020, ensuring efficient turnaround.
  8. Only 6-10% of submissions that pass high standards of rigor and relevance are published in the journal, attesting to its high quality standards.
  9. Besides regular articles, JR publishes research on cutting-edge topics in retailing through expert commentaries, special sections and special issues. During 2019-20, JR published 5 commentaries, 3 special issues, with 4 more special issues / special sections planned for publication.
  10. JR organized four conferences during 2019-20 to bring retail academics and practitioners together for research collaboration and to enhance research quality.

So please consider recommending the Journal of Retailing for inclusion in the FT50 list by completing this short survey from the Financial Times. 

Thank you!

Post Author: RAPSIG Communications Team