Feature article written by Kris Lindsey Hall – Updated (08/16/2022) -.

Dr. Jeremy Wolter, Associate Professor of Marketing at Auburn University, held the position of VP of Communications until 2022.

Jeremy earned his PhD in marketing from Florida State University. He says he originally thought about pursuing a graduate education in economics as he appreciated how “rock star economists” (e.g., Jeffery Sachs, Steven Levitt) were “providing unique insight into big problems.” But given that he had also always liked psychology and branding, he found a home in marketing, which tied all these interests together.    


Professional Title: Associate Professor of Marketing 

Current University: Auburn University

PhD Granting Institution: Florida State University

Title held in RAPSIG: VP of Communications

Email: jswolter@auburn.edu

Website: https://harbert.auburn.edu/directory/jeremy-wolter.html

As a consumer strategy researcher, who leans towards a normative approach, Jeremy shares his research aim has been generally towards helping businesses function better, saying “I want to uncover the things that push businesses to be more than profit centers.” Relatedly, he teaches his students that “business, as an institution, is valuable and malleable, that we as a society determine that scope and aims of our institutions.” 

When it comes to his own work, Jeremy says it is hard to nail down a specific accomplishment of which he is most proud. However, after reflection, he says, “I think I’m most proud of my publications that had the most rejections. Those jokers were a tough fight that required a lot of persistence, adaptation, and coping skills.” (We can probably all relate!) How does Jeremy celebrate once he has met a goal? He shares that he takes some time off and breathe, saying “A job well done usually means that I’ve put in some long hours,”…and he makes sure to include a good bourbon as part of his celebration ritual. 

Jeremys’ suggestions for future research? 

Jeremy shares that he thinks “retailing in the context of our developed and emerging technologies is paramount.” Despite getting a lot of attention recently, he indicates “it probably can’t get enough” since “things are happening so quickly that it feels like there are more questions than we can answer in a timely fashion.” 

Advice for new scholars: “There are a lot of paths in our field. Find someone on a path that resonates with you, and follow them.”  

Jeremy further suggests that new marketing scholars, “listen to advice from everyone, but know that everyone is speaking from their path.” He also advises finding co-authors that you work well with and who are dependable, this being “one of the most valuable things in our field” as “good co-authors help with publishing but they are also a quality of life issue.” 

Some of Jeremy’s non-academic interests or hobbies…

  • Jeremy has six children and indicates that most of his hobbies have become things that he can do with them. Some household favorites? Board games and Nintendo Switch. He also says that he’s been spending some “hard time” on the foosball table, “punishing my kids who dare challenge me.”   
  • He says he “almost considered being a “soccer dad” as a hobby at one point” given how much time (pre-pandemic) that was spent at the soccer fields.  
  • When he finally gets some solo downtime, he spends it on yard work, saying, “I’ve learned more about plants and flowers than I ever thought I would know.”

Final Fun Fact:

As a young teenager, Jeremy’s father took him to his first concert, the Rolling Stones’ Steel Wheels Tour. Reflecting back on this experience, he says “I remember thinking Mick Jagger was really cool for an old dude, which is funny because I’m about that age now.” Don’t worry, Jeremy. The RAPSIG team thinks you’re pretty cool, too! 🙂 

Jeremy can be reached at jswolter@auburn.edu or the via the contact info above.